God will do great things for those who obey Him. In Joshua 14, we see that Caleb followed God throughout his life. His life exemplifies true faith. Caleb accepted God’s every arrangement and laid down his own will, so God not only multiplied his inheritance both on earth and in heaven a thousand-fold, but also blessed his offspring. All of Caleb’s descendants followed and revered God, and they experienced God’s grace through their faith.
Caleb was the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, one of the Canaanites. A tribe that was about to perish ended up becoming one of the tribes in God’s kingdom and sharing inheritance with the other tribes; there are the results of Caleb’s obedience toward God. The value of a man lies in his firm belief, his obedience, and his diligence even in the face of frustration and adversity; this is the faith Caleb had.
Your life will not be easily changed if you do not obey God fully and are constantly led astray by your own thoughts. People tend to be self-righteous, therefore, they like to judge and criticize others and talk about what is fair. People think those who do good things will go to heaven; but what are good things? Who are good people?
We are all sinners, and the worst sin is not believing God. No one can judge others or discuss who should receive what reward; God is the only righteous judge! Do not try to seek fairness or to please God by the ways of man, because God’s fairness is different from the one on earth. If you are willing to do God’s work, God will show you righteousness.
From the reading of Joshua 14, we learn that although we haven’t reached our goal yet, God had blessed us a long time ago. The Israelites followed exactly the words God had spoken to them through Moses many years ago. The Israelites divided the land among the tribes. Joshua did everything exactly as God commanded; he did not change a thing, and he left nothing undone. Although the Levites did not have their share of inheritance on earth, but God is their inheritance. You have everything when you have God! God is pleased by people like Joshua, who carry out His exact order. When we put God at the first place, God will help us. Although we are not worthy, God values our willingness to follow Him. God can, and will, use you as long as you have a willing heart!
Churches and groups are like trees. The one who plants the trees does not worry about having to water the trees or to fertilize the land, but about trees not bearing fruit. It is a sin against God for churches to not bear fruit. Have faith in Jesus, and proclaimed that you and your family will be saved! Where do miracles come from? From your faith! If you have no faith and make no claim, God will not help you, and you will not find the path to God. When you proclaim in faith, it will strengthen your heart, and God will put everything into places to complete His works.