使徒行傳 第27章 中英摘要







2015/7/16 葉長老 風美小組信息/ 慶如 摘錄整理


Acts 27

  The main character of Acts is neither Peter nor Paul, but the God behind them. In Acts 27 Paul is a prisoner, and he was about to be shipped to Rome. Paul tried to stop people from sailing, because he thought that the voyage was risky, and their lives might be threatened. However, the centurion followed the advice of the pilot and the owner of the ship, instead of listening to Paul. After all, Paul was just a missionary and a prisoner. Yet what happened next proved that Paul’s wisdom was above all of them because of his reverence toward God.

  When their ship wrecked, and there was no hope of being saved, Paul said to them, “Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously give you the lives of all who sail with you.”       When God is with you, you would have influence on others. Because of the God whom Paul served, Paul became the blessing to the 275 people on the ship. What Paul said and did became the strength to steady and save the ship. It all happened because God’s will on Paul must be done!

  In our workplace, we are the ambassadors of God’s Kingdom; we represent God. When a missionary comes to a place, his first mission is to “show” others Jesus, not to “tell” others about Jesus. Therefore, people around us should be blessed, not cursed, because of us. If we want to influence others, we need to carry the life of Jesus with us. Jesus’s resurrection changes our lives, and we are not given a new life. We have different attitudes toward things, and we react differently, because we have the life of Jesus. We no longer criticize or judge people, and we don’t blame others or God.

  The world is sure to be worse, because Satan has the power over the world. God had given up on this world, but He had not abandoned the people living in this world. God loves every individual. He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Hence, we should try our best to bring people into the church, which is the ark. People outside of this ark, are drowning in the flood. This world is hopeless, it will certainly end someday. If there is hope for this world, we wouldn’t have to spread the Gospel, and we wouldn’t have haste in taking people to church. God’s will is in the church. Although many bills which is against God’s law are passing in countries all over the world, Christians don’t have to be worried or nervous, because God will not judge us by the law of man; God will judge us by His words, the Bible.

  When we take people to church, besides showing them love and warmth, it is more important to teach people to revere God. Almighty God, died for me because of His love. How can we not revere Him? How can we not be willing to serve Him? When we serve our superiors or bosses, we might feel disappointed or wronged, because they wouldn’t see everything we’ve done. However, God sees everything we do for him, and He remembers them all. God will reward us both in dark and daylight.

2015/7/16 Message by Elder Yeh