使徒行傳 第8章 中英摘要


  使徒行傳是很適合職場基督徒讀的一卷書,裡面總共記載四十個神蹟,只有一個神蹟是發生在聖殿 (彼得醫治美門口的瘸子),其餘三十九個都是發生在職場。所以我們要去,去到各個職場,傳揚耶穌基督,神蹟奇事就會隨著我們。若是我們都待在教會裡,相互取暖,不肯出去拓展福音,到時只會產生更多內部的問題,讓我們更跨不出去,神的福音就無法擴展,也看不到神蹟的發生。所以職場福音是非常重要的,使徒行傳第一章就記載,耶穌升天之前聚集門徒,要他們在耶路撒冷、猶太全地、撒瑪利亞、直到地極,為主作見證。

葉長老 風美小組信息 / 高雄 錦泰 摘錄回應

Acts 8

  Acts is a very good reading for Christians with jobs. Among the 40 miracles recorded in the book, only one was in the temple (Peter healed the cripple at the gate called Beautiful), the rest all happened in workplace. So we need to go out into different workplaces and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, then, miracles will follow us. If we only stay in church and do not go out to evangelize, more problems will come out from within, and they will stops us from moving forward, then the gospel of Jesus will not be able to expand, and we won’t be able to see any miracle. In a sense, spreading gospel in workplace is extremely important. It is recorded in the first chapter of Acts that before Jesus went up to heaven, He said to His disciples, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

  The more disciples are persecuted, the more they grow in number; even the priest were saved. They became afraid, so they killed Stephen and persecuted the church. Disciples were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. These are all in God’s control and plan, because disperse disciples can now preach in different places. Philip spread the name of Jesus in Samaria, and he healed the sick, cast out impure spirits, and perform many miracles. Many people, as a result, believed in Jesus Christ. A wicked man named Simon tried to buy God’s gift with money and was denounced by Peter, ” You have no part or share in this ministry… Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.” We should also think about what we are pursuing in church. Is it God’s blessings? Other people’s concern? Or do we solely want to learn more about God and pursue nothing but God Himself?

  Then, the Holy Spirit told Philip to go south, and Philip obeyed at once. He did not hesitate for a second because his service at that time was growing. This is the attitude a God’s servant should have; to be willing to obey God at all times. God is forever our chief, if you put God in the second or the third place of your life instead of the first, it is the same thing as putting God in the last place; it is disobeying God and not glorifying the Lord.

  After Philip interpret the passage by Isaiah the prophet to the Ethiopian eunuch and told him the good news about Jesus, the eunuch said that he wished to be baptized because he believe that Jesus is the son of God. When we baptize someone, we always ask him/her, “Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God? Do you believe that Jesus has resurrected? Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior?” We receive salvation when we believe, and we cannot receive salvation when we don’t believe. God gives us two options; one is to be cursed, one is to be blessed. Those who are willing to believe in and follow God will receive blessings. Those who refuse and resist God will be cursed. May we have a pure heart and choose to obey and follow God so that God may bestow blessings upon you and your family.

Message by Elder Yeh / Summary and response by Jim Lin