使徒行傳 第1章 中英摘要






葉長老 風美小組信息 / 高雄 錦泰 摘錄回應

Acts 1

  Acts is also known as the book of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit leads the disciples to do God’s work and preach God’s words. Thank God, the Holy Spirit still leads our group marvelously today. In the first gathering of 2015, we being reading a new book– Acts. I believe God has a wonderful purpose for guiding us to reading Acts. While our group is moving on to the fifth year, God will re-establish His will toward us, deepen our understanding of the principles upon which we act, and strengthen our devotion and action for God’s kingdom.

   First chapter of Acts records the things concerning God’s kingdom Jesus tells His disciples during the 40 days before He ascended to Heaven. Jesus also asked them to be His witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Acts includes 28 chapters; the first part is about establishment of churches and the last part ends with Paul preaching in Rome. Some people say that we are writing the 29th chapter of Acts, because our mission and responsibility is to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth and every corner of the world with all our strength and every method.

   The vision of our group this year is “spiritual works on cloud”. Works on cloud are works of God’s kingdom; we will testify for God through the internet which is far-reaching in both time and space. We endeavor to cross the boundary of nations and introduce God and the Truth to more people. It is also our goal to connect believers via internet so that we can be the disciples of God together.

   In the time of the apostles, New Testament was not yet compiled. Their testimony for God was totally based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of God. If they focused on their weakness and limits, the Gospel may still be contained within Jerusalem. Thank God, Peter didn’t remain in the shame of his three denials of Jesus; he strongly stood up in a gathering of 120 people and testified for the fulfilled words of the Old Testament. He also led them to elect Matthias to replace the traitor, Judas.

   Brothers and sisters, “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). None of us can be holy on our own, because everything we think of everyday is evil. However, Jesus purify us with His precious blood, and we are sanctified for God. We are now holy and pure. We are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…”(1 Peter 2:9). We are separated in order to be used by God. May God help us to be proactive on services so that we are unwilling to pass any chance to serve. We should all stand up for God and to revive God’s words and His works.


Message by Elder Yeh / Summary and response by Jim Lin